Disciple Bible Study
Helps Form Disciples for Jesus Christ
Disciple Bible study is life transforming because it brings together each day Scripture study, spiritual discipline, and practical life application.
DISCIPLE graduates emerge from their studies with a hunger to put into practice they have learned. They are excited about their spiritual service in the church and in the community.
Rodney Smothers
Pastor, Waldorf, MD
I appreciate not only the background skills that are taught in training, but also the retreat atmosphere that leads us to explore and connect to expanding our discipleship.
Layperson, Denver, CO
This training goes beyond a mere study of the Scriptures to how one can be led by study of the Scriptures to take the good news to others.
DISCIPLE graduate, Danbury, CT
Registrations are closed for 2024.
Red book: Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study
A thirty-four-week study for adult and youth groups
The study moves through the biblical story from Creation to the New Jerusalem
Features small-group discussion of Scripture based on careful study and preparation
Aims at transformation, not just information
Completion of Disciple: BECOMING DISCIPLES THROUGH BIBLE STUDY is prerequisite to all other studies in the Disciple program
Green book: Into The World
A thirty-two-week study of Genesis-Exodus and Luke-Acts
Continues the familiar Disciple format
Teaches basic study skills for going deeper into Scripture
Links Bible study to witness and service in the world
Emphasizes practice of the spiritual disciplines
Encourages sabbath-keeping as trusting God
Calls for evaluating and reordering life’s priorities in response to God’s call
Purple book: Remember Who You Are
A thirty-two-week study of the Prophets and Paul’s Letters
Identifies God’s people as a community of memory
Sets the Prophets and Paul’s writings in historical and geographical context
Introduces the context portfolio of maps and charts
Understands Bible study as a call to repentance — to turn life toward God
Echoes the demand of the prophets and Paul to put God first — to be a community of obedience
Yellow book: Under The Tree Of Life
A thirty-two-week study of the Writings (Old Testament books not in the Torah or the Prophets), the Gospel of John, and Revelation
Final study in the four-phase Disciple Bible study
Addresses community and individual life
Appeals to the senses and emotions through words, images, dance, music
Taps into the power of Psalms with a psalm of the week
Shows the distinctive character of the Gospel of John
Provides a video-led worship experience of the book of Revelation