Offering & Giving

“You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God”

2 Corinthians 9:11

Support our mission

Thank you for giving to support the mission of Grace Church of Christ. Please choose from the available giving options below.
Do contact us further options and assistance.


Tithes & Offerings

Account Name Grace Church of Christ
BSB 033364
Account No 120792


School Building Gift Fund*

Account Name School Building Gift Fund
BSB 033022
Account No 179567

* Tax deductible. Donations can only be used to fund expenditure related to the School Buildings (Portal and Lighthouse, including its redevelopment and maintenance)


Gift Fund**

Account Name Gift Fund
BSB 033022
Account No 179559
** Tax deductible. Donations can only be used to support local Christian "not-for-profit" organisations endorsed by the ATO as "deductible gift recipients".